Nieuwveer and Waaijenberg
Windfarm Nieuwveer and Waaijenberg have reached financial close in October. This marks the beginning of the two turbines of Nieuwveer and the turbine of Waaijenberg nearby the Dutch A16 Highway.
A-16 Project
The A-16 project will have a total 28 turbines nearby the municipalities Breda, Drimmelen, Moerdijk and Zundert. The turbines will produce enough sustainable energy for 100.000 households in total. A quarter of the totally produced energy shall be invested in local energy projects.
The windturbines
Three Nordex N-149 turbines will be constructed, which are part of the Delta 4000 platform. The Nordex N149 5.7MW from Waaijenberg and the two Nordex N149 4.5MW turbines from Nieuwveer have a hub-height of 135 meter and a rotor diameter of 149 meter.
Topwind Consultancy
Topwind had a crucial roll within the contracting and the financing of both windfarms. The Topwind experts supervised the initiators by choosing the right turbine and Topwind shall also provide supervision by construction the windfarms.